The Executive Director of the IASJ
The current Executive Director and Service Bureau Coordinator, Wouter (Walter) Turkenburg, is stepping back as Executive Director by the end of 2024. The board of the IASJ is searching for candidates to take over the function of Executive Director of the IASJ.
The structure of the IASJ (International association of Schools of Jazz)
The IASJ is a non-for-profit organization with a membership of about 60 representatives of jazz schools from all over the world.
The highest decision-making body of the association is the meeting of the representatives, called the General Assembly (GA).
During the GA, the election of the board members takes place.
With the consent of the GA, the board appoints the Artistic Director and the Executive Director.
According to the IASJ statutes, the board, and the director positions are voluntary, non-paid functions.
The Service Bureau Coordinator supports the Board, the Directors and the membership with administrative services.
The Executive Director: tasks and responsibilities
The Executive Director (ED) of the IASJ supports the IASJ in organizational and representational matters.
The ED is in regular contact with the Board, the Service Bureau Coordinator, and the Artistic Director.
The ED maintains contact with the IASJ Member Schools, by emails, video-conferences, articles in the newsletters and on the websites.
The ED is searching for new members to join the IASJ.
The ED finds member schools capable of hosting and organizing the annual meeting. The ED helps the Host School Coordinator to organize the IASJ Jazz Meetings.
The ED participates in the annual IASJ Jazz Meeting and reports to the General Assembly.
The ED oversees all PR-activities of the IASJ and represents the IASJ in conferences, trade shows and other activities of the affiliated organizations.
After budget approval of the board, all costs the ED makes, are covered by the IASJ.
The Service Bureau Coordinator
After 2024, Wouter Turkenburg will continue as Service Bureau Coordinator (SBC). The SBC takes care of the membership administration, the daily e-mail correspondence, the management of the websites, the newsletters, the archive, and the financial bookkeeping, and supports the Board, the Artistic Director, and the new Executive Director.