The IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research: the first year
The number of downloads of articles in Volume 1 of the Journal of Applied Jazz Research has surpassed our wildest expectations. A month after the journal came online, the 10 articles were downloaded once or twice. The average number of downloads now, is 100 per month. The total number of downloads is most likely to reach 2000 before Volume 2 will be published in the fall of this year.
These figures show the dire need of the platform of ‘applied jazz research’. An alternative for the ‘scientific research’ used in artistic jazz research, and in ‘practice based’ research.
Scientific research means blind peer-reviews of articles submitted. Furthermore, it requires the author to produce enormous literature lists to underline the value of the article. Article texts are often overloaded with footnotes. Moreover, a certain number of neologies in the article is expected. Applied jazz research is staying away from these stifling and unneeded requirements. Applied jazz research is based on the common sense of the jazz community at large.
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You have received this newsletter because you are involved in the IASJ, or have participated in one of the IASJ Conferences, or have expressed to be connected. We would like to inform you regularly, be in better contact with you.
We also hope that you will be more involved, to hear from you how you can contribute to the jazz community. And, of course, we hope that you want to contribute to the next volume of the Journal of Applied Jazz Research, to be published in the fall of 2024.
The IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research: Volume 2, fall of 2024
Six articles have already been submitted, but there is room for at least six more. Please consider contributing to Volume 2 of the IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research. Any article with a direct link to jazz performance and jazz education is welcome.
Articles on jazz performance and education will certainly be published. There are a few topics that, so far, have not been touched upon. Here are a few: jazz and film, jazz interviews, oral jazz history, the future of jazz, the impact of digitalization, artificial intelligence in jazz.
Do you want your article on one of these, or any other topic, to be published?
To get in touch:
Will your article be read?
Not only will your article be read, but also downloaded and used in jazz education, in jazz forums, in jazz research done by colleagues, and elsewhere. You will receive a worldwide exposure. Readers might contact you, discuss your topic, add ideas and make remarks. Behind the minimalistic template of the IASJ Journal is a strong and powerful Search Engine Optimization module. With this, the journal distinguishes itself from other printed and online journals. Please look at Volume1 at and contribute to Volume 2. We would like to see your contribution no later than the end of July 2024.
Kurt Ellenberger, Wouter Turkenburg, editors
Link to the IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research: