2024 IASJ Jazz Meeting Online Program

All times given are New York Time
Check your time at: https://24timezones.com

Melissa AldanaTuesday, July 2nd, 2024: Keynote and Ongoing Dialogues
9:45 Online coffee & chat
10:00 Welcome
10:15 Melissa Aldana: Keynote Address: 'The Process of Practicing'.
11:00 Kurt Ellenberger: ‘Second Line for the Second Time’
11:45 Josiah Boornazian: ‘The State of Jazz Historiography’
12:30 Daniel Schenker: ‘Introduction and demonstration of ET, the Ear Trainer’

(13:30 IASJ Board Meeting: for IASJ Board Members)

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024: Ongoing Dialogue and General Assembly
9:45: Online coffee & chat
10:00: Welcome
10:05 Daniel Jamieson: Introduction to “Jazz Composers Present.com”
10:45 General Assembly. Agenda: link to the agenda
12:00 Expected voting. During vote counting: Dave Liebman Talk
13:00 General Assembly ends.

(13:30 IASJ Board Meeting: for IASJ Board Members)






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