The International Association of Schools of Jazz

The International Association of Schools of Jazz

2025 IASJ Jazz Meeting:

2023 particpants, helsinki, finland


iasj_logoWhy you should become a member of the IASJ

The IASJ, the International Association of Schools of Jazz, offers you the opportunity to connect on a worldwide level to jazz performance, education, and research. Developments in jazz occur everywhere, all the time. The IASJ gives you a thorough insight and a personal connection to what is taking place in jazz.

As a jazz performer, educator, or researcher, you can join the IASJ either as an individual member.
As a representative of a jazz school, you can join the IASJ as an associate member, representing your institution.
As a donator, you can support the IASJ with an annual donation.

Fill out the IASJ Membership Form to become a member now.


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